Como requisito, es necesario tener definida en el sistema local la conexión a la BD del sistema remoto. Esto se hace a través de la transacción DBACOCKPIT. Una vez configurada y probada, podemos probar el siguiente código:
report yjr_remote_db.
parameters: p_table type dd02l-tabname.
* CLASS lc_remote_db DEFINITION
class lc_remote_db definition.
public section.
class-methods main.
private section.
class-data: result_tab type ref to data.
class-methods display.
endclass. "lc_remote_db DEFINITION
class lc_remote_db implementation.
method main.
data: sql type ref to cl_sql_statement,
result type ref to cl_sql_result_set,
err type ref to cx_sql_exception,
connec type ref to cl_sql_connection,
cols type adbc_column_tab,
dref type ref to data,
query type string.
create data result_tab type standard table of (p_table).
connec = cl_sql_connection=>get_connection( con_name = 'REMOTE_DB' ).
catch cx_sql_exception into err.
message err type 'I' display like 'E'.
create object sql
con_ref = connec.
query = `SELECT * FROM ` && p_table.
result = sql->execute_query( query ).
result->set_param_table( itab_ref = result_tab
* corresponding_fields = cols
if result->next_package( ) > 0.
display( ).
catch cx_sql_exception into err.
message err type 'I' display like 'E'.
endmethod. "main
method display.
data alv type ref to cl_salv_table.
data err type ref to cx_salv_msg.
field-symbols <table> type any table.
assign result_tab->* to <table>.
importing r_salv_table = alv
changing t_table = <table> ).
alv->display( ).
catch cx_salv_msg into err.
message err type 'I' display like 'E'.
endmethod. "display
endclass. "lc_remote_db IMPLEMENTATION
lc_remote_db=>main( ).
- Documentación interna de SAP: ABAP - Reference -> Processing External Data -> ADBC - ABAP Database Connectivvity
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